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Weekly Meditations

Thought for the Week

Where there is hope, there is life, where there is

life, there is possibility and where there is

possibility, change can occur.

-- Jesse Jackson


No rope or cable on earth can bind as fast as a

single thread of love.  It fastens like a lock and is

as strong as steel.  No one can know its might unless

he has been on one end of the strand.  It is to

strong for any mortal to describe - except in one word:

"GOD, for God is Love."


It is the golden thread which binds heart to heart:

The irresistible, unseen force that draws people

Together, you to me and me to you.  It is the world's

Most unifying quality, which makes each a part of all.


Principles, Promises & Power

Principle #6

"God hates when you build a house using someone else's blueprints."



Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbor's wife, neither thou covet thy neighbor's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox or his ass, or anything that is they neighbor's.  

(Deuteronomy 5:21).



God has designed a special plan, a "blueprint," for the life of each person.  However, when you look at your neighbor's possessions to determine your desires, you hinder God from working His plan of action in your life.  Hunger for God's plan for your life and seek to understand what you should ask of Him.  Don't try to imitate or compare yourself with others.  Even though your friend may have just bought a new car, you should not feel obligated to do the same, for you don't know the costs (e.g., loss of peace, no money for emergencies) that may be attached to the purchase.  Set your own financial goals and establish timetables for achieving them.  Be driven by God's plans for your desires, not by the desires and actions of others.  Scripture declares that comparing yourself to another is not wise (see 2 Corinthians 10:12).  Let the Word of God be the ruler by which you measure yourself.


To Worship Is:

To quicken the conscience by the holiness of God.

To feed the mind with the truth of God.

To purge the imagination with the beauty of God.

To open the heart to the love of God.

To devote the will to the purpose of God.

- William Temple

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